
It's always amazing how different things look a year later. When the thought last occured to me that it would be interesting to blog (see below), I said that I was working on a new recording, which I hoped to have out within a few months. Almost twelve months down the road, I'm still planning to have this thing out "within a few months." This reminds me of how it is impossible to define one's existence by what one intends to do with one's life, since this usually either comes to nothing, or turns out very differently from what we had intended. The lesson for me is that I am not in charge of my existence, and that the ultimate value of what I do is not in whether I meet my goals or not, but whether in the course of my failing to meet those goals God has taken me somewhere valuable in his eyes.

1 comment:

J. Gordon Anderson said...

Glad to see you're back to blogging!